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How to Get Order on Fiver

To get an order for on Fiverr, you will need to create a seller account and set up a gig offering writing services. Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. Go to and sign up for an account.
  2. Click on the “Become a seller” button to create a seller profile.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete your seller profile, including adding a profile picture and providing information about your skills and experience.
  4. Click on the “Create a new gig” button to create a gig offering writing services.
  5. Select “Writing & Translation” as the category for your gig and “Articles & Blog Posts” as the subcategory.
  6. Enter a title and description for your gig. Make sure to mention that you offer 1000-word articles and highlight your expertise and experience as a writer.
  7. Set your price and delivery time for the gig. You can offer different packages at different price points, such as a basic package for a 1000-word article and a premium package for additional features like research and editing.
  8. Add some examples of your work to the gig to give buyers an idea of your writing style and quality.
  9. Preview and publish your gig.

Once your gig is live, you can start promoting it to potential buyers and responding to inquiries. Be sure to deliver high-quality work and communicate with buyers in a timely and professional manner to build a positive reputation and increase your chances of getting repeat orders.

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