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How to make money online by Blogging

21st century is a century of Revelations. The greatest of all these revolutions is Internet. Internet has changed everything that is related to our life. The life of earth man is totally different it from the life of man living a few decades back. Out of number of inventions that have impacted our life the invention that has impacted the most is internet.

Iternet has changed the world as it was never before .By virtue of internet the life on earth is completely different from the Life a few decades back mostly people use internet as the greatest source of Recreation and communication but it is is one of the best ways to create money make money.

Making Money By Blogging

There are a number of ways by which one can make a handsome amount of money but there we shall discuss making money by blogging we shall discuss how one can make a handsome amount of money by writing content either on its own blog or working as content writer for a Blog as Content writer.

Number of Ways to Make money By Blogging

You can make money by these following ways if you work

  • Google Adsence
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Promoting any Product or Brand
  • Providing Services of Content Writer for Any Blog

Google Adsence

There are a number of AD networks that provide you with monetization on your content but to me the best of those Google AdSense. Because the Google AdSense provides you with wonderful revenue on your content furthermore it is comparatively easy toget your site approved on Google AdSense as compared to other ad networks.

How To Get Site Approval on Google Adsence

To get your site approved by Google AdSense you will have to follow this following steps. Firstly, you will have to select a particuler nitch. Selection of the niche depends on you as well as on the audience that you are going to Target that maybe sport, game, news, jobs. Select a Niche and start making content about that.

Once you make a wonderful content on a particular niche, you can get site approved in Google Adsence. Your content must be powerful enough to get it ranked in Google search engine if it is good enough to be ranked in Google search engine the probability of your site of getting approved by Google as AdSense will increase incase if it isn’t even then you can get your site approved but the chances will be Limited.

After getting site approval by Google AdSense ads will start showing on your website . Now the traffic that will visit your website will generate a revenue for you . More traffic on your site more money can you make by that traffic not only the quantity of traffic matters for the cal quality of traffic also also matters. The audience that you have selected will definitely impact on your revenue for example there are high paying niche such as online earning Insurance sector. Furthermore, the country you seleced for traffic also matters for example if your traffic is from United States are United Kingdom that will pay you more as compared to to traffic from West Indies any country with low GDP.

After getting approval from Google AdSense you will start to show ads on your website. You will start making revenue on your website, more visitors on your website more you will make money .Once your threshold reach 100 dollar you can add the payment method to your Google AdSense account and receive payment in your bank ok or PayPal account.

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